Wednesday 20 November 2013

Animals For Kids

 Animals For Kids

The Platypus

Platypuses are known for their webbed feet, bill and flat tail. Because of their looks before discovered scientists thought platypuses were hoaxes! Male platypuses have spurs on their hind feet, as well as male platypuses being venomous, platypuses use the spurs on their back feet to fend of predators!

The platypus (illustration)
The platypus swimming in either a lake or sea
look at there bills!       

The Frilled Lizard

As you can guess, frilled lizards are called frilled lizards because of the frills on their necks. These are actually skin membranes, When its threatened or scared, the frilled lizard spreads it's membranes of skin to make them look bigger than they really are. They can run like humans on their back legs or on all four legs.
The frilled lizard in its natural habitat

The frilled lizard on a log either frightened or threatened

The Sugar Glider

Alike frilled lizards (above) the sugar glider has skin membranes but it has it going along its ribs (sides). Sugar gliders glide from tree to tree. If conditions are good enough, these amazing creatures can glide up to 300 feet! Sugar gliders are nocturnal, meaning they are up and active during night and can only be seen asleep at daytime.

The sugar glider at night in white room (mainly)

The kookaburra

Also known as the laughing kookaburra for their human-laughter like call, these kookaburras are king fishers.
a king fisher is a bird that swoops into water to get its food like fish. As well as laughing kookaburras, they are also known as bushman's clock as they can be heard in the morning.

Two kookaburras sat on a balcony pole

A kookaburra in its natural habitat the forests

The Blue Penguin

This penguin species is the smallest penguin known to man as it only grows to about 12 inches tall. They can be found of the temperate climates of Australia and surrounding countries/islands/areas. They usually make their nests in caves or underground burrows.
Two blue penguins in a nest

 The Rattle Snake 

There are 29 species of very different rattle snake. They get their name from the rattle on the end of their tail that they shake when they feel threatened or in danger. Surprisingly it will only attack when threatened or in danger. Rattle snakes are venomous but are very shy and timid.

The rattle snake. see it's rattle?

The rattle snakes fangs WOW!


There are only 2 types of honeybee, The drones, workers and most importantly the queen! Once a honeybee finds food it will dance to communicate with other bees. Through dancing, honeybees can work out how far away from food they are. Honeybees are highly trainable to detect explosives!
A honeybee collecting nectar from a flower/plant.


Alike a lot of humans, coyotes live in family's. But there Family's are called packs. Coyotes are omnivores, which means they eat plants and meat. Normal coyotes can weigh up to 50 pounds! another amazing skill is they can live up to 4 years in the wild!